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Science in the Future of Work: Your AI-Guided Career Journey

In today's rapidly evolving job market, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a light guiding us towards careers that resonate deeply with our unique selves. This is more than just the future of job search; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment.


Unlocking the Power of Self-Understanding

At the heart, this is AI's ability to interpret personal metrics and transform them into meaningful insights about your strengths, passions, and values. Imagine a world where your career choices are not just based on job availability or skills but aligned with what truly motivates and fulfills you. This is the promise of AI in career development – a promise that is now reality.

A Future Where Work Equals Purpose

Accenture's insights reveal a profound truth: AI doesn't just match jobs with skills and keywords; it aligns careers with inner callings. It's about creating a work life that's not only successful but also meaningful.

The Future of Work is Now.
Get started for free, or keep reading to learn more about our research and the AI-personalized reports we create for you.

Your Quatified User Profile in One Image




Our Future of Work Research: Example of the IT Project Manager

Our research started with the cyber workforce of the future because our founders come from cyber, defense, and tech recruiting.


But we soon learned that answering the question "what role in the future workforce am I?" has more to it. There's more to a role, there's more to a job, and companies are very different, as are teams within companies.


So we expanded our research to include 1,000 roles from the US Department of Labor, 30,000 job titles from enterprises, and 8,000 company profiles. This is the invisible "back-end" of our systems and apps. To explore the first prototype of our role-matching data, visit these example work profiles: Nurse, Architect, Software Engineer, Project Manager, Sales Director.


The first survey you will take is based on the RIASEC theory of workforce traits of interest from decades of research by the US Department of Labor.

Work interests are our preferences for specific work-related activities, tasks, and environments. The leading model of work interests is Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice. In this model, we measure six interest types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.


Understanding work interests is proven to help us make informed career decisions and find jobs that align with our preferences. We also use RIASEC-based data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is the foundational theory for the NIST NICE Cyber Workforce Framework and how global governments assign military talent.

To learn more, download our Interests Knowledge Brief.

Product Screenshot: Your Work Interests in Bar Chart






Product Screenshot: Your Thinking Style in Radar Chart

Our Thinking Style model is designed to enhance problem-solving and decision-making by identifying our personal cognitive preferences.


Drawing from Foursight and HBDI theories, it classifies thinking into four styles. Thinkers, merging Foursight’s 'Clarifier' and HBDI’s analytical thinking, are adept at critical evaluation and logical analysis. Dreamers, combining 'Ideator' with relational thinking, excel in creativity and innovative thinking. Feelers, akin to 'Developer' and emotional thinking, focus on empathy and emotional intelligence, essential in understanding and relating to others. Planners, blending 'Implementer' with structural thinking, are skilled in organizing and strategic execution.

Applying this model in daily life enables us to leverage our cognitive preferences and collaborate more effectively within teams. By recognizing and harnessing these styles, we unblock problem-solving and innovative thinking in professional settings, leading to enhanced team dynamics and successful outcomes. Its effect on conflict mitigation (prevention, reduction) cannot be underestimated, in both work and home.

To learn more, download our Thinking Styles Knowledge Brief.


Based on OCEAN, which explains 75% of human personality.

Personality is defined as the set of unique traits and characteristics that shape most of our behavior, thoughts, and feelings.

The framework we use, based on the scientific OCEAN model, assesses six major personality traits and 25 minor traits to help guide your career choices and filter your custom match algorithm.

You will learn how your Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism influence your professional success and satisfaction. This personal approach ensures that your career aligns with your natural tendencies, leading to a more fulfilling and rewarding professional experience. It's about creating a career path that not only uses your skills but also resonates with who you are at your core.

To learn more, download our Personality Knowledge Brief.

Product Screenshot: Your Personality in Bar Chart






Product Screenshot: Your Morality in Bar Chart

Based on the core five moral virtues of the Moral Foundations Theory.


Moral foundations refer to the principles and values that guide our ethical decision-making. The Moral Foundations Theory suggests five universal virtue/vice pairs: Care/Harm, Fairness/Cheating, Loyalty/Betrayal, Authority/Subversion, and Sanctity/Degradation.


These moral traits influence our attitudes and behaviors towards social and political issues, as well as our ethical decision-making in the workplace (Haidt & Graham, 2007). This approach acknowledges the importance of moral alignment in professional settings, guiding you towards roles where your ethical beliefs are central to your responsibilities.

To learn more, download our Morality Knowledge Brief.


Companies that align with our personal values offer an environment that fosters a sense of belonging, purpose, and job satisfaction.


As noted by the American Psychological Association, "Individuals who align their personal values with those of their organization have greater job satisfaction and commitment to their employer" (2019). By prioritizing values and finding companies that share these values, we can find fulfillment in our work and contribute positively to our companies. In the future of work, understanding personal values and seeking alignment with company values will be a key to creating a fulfilling and satisfying career.

To learn more, download our Values Knowledge Brief.

Product Screenshot: Your Personal Values






Product Screenshot: Your Emotional Intelligence in Bar Chart

Elevate your professional journey with the power of Emotional Intelligence (EI), guided by Wong and Law's EI model. Mastery of these elements can significantly enhance your professional relationships and personal growth (Wong, Law & Song, 2004).

Understanding and developing these aspects of EI leads to stronger relationships, better decision-making, and enhanced personal and professional growth. By cultivating these skills, we can navigate the complexities of the professional world with greater emotional awareness, transforming potential challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

To learn more, visit the emotional intelligence post on our A.I. Insights blog.


Entrepreneurial success is rooted in understanding a set of critically useful traits.


The Big Entrepreneurial Personality Elements (BEPE) model offers vital insights into these traits, shaping a successful entrepreneurial path. This model focuses on essential traits like risk-taking, stress management, and innovation. A concise report reveals our strong suits and natural propensity for bold decisions crucial in entrepreneurship. At the same time, it identifies areas for growth, such as resilience, which is key for enduring the entrepreneurial journey. This report, by analyzing these traits, not only charts out your potential but also guides you in honing skills necessary for thriving in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship.

To learn more, visit the entrepreneurship post on our A.I. Insights blog.

Product Screenshot: Your Entrepreneurial Capabilities in Bar Chart






Your Personal A.I. Reports Are Available When You Complete the Surveys

When you've completed the first seven areas of your psychometric profile, your Personal A.I. Reports will deliver a comprehensive overview of your professional capabilities and potential. These reports synthesize a wealth of data, providing a holistic view of your strengths and how they translate into various career opportunities.

Embrace the opportunity to discover the roles where you'll thrive. With your Personal A.I. Reports, you're not just exploring job titles: you're unlocking a detailed and personalized map of your professional landscape. This clarity and insight equip you to pursue careers and opportunities that align with your unique skill set and aspirations, setting you on a path to fulfillment and success in the workplace.

Start Your AI-Powered Career Journey

The landscape of work is not just changing; it's evolving with you at its center. Our AI-driven process is more than a tool – it's your personal career architect, designing a path that aligns with your deepest aspirations and strengths. You've uncovered how our technology can transform your career search into a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. Now, it's time to experience it firsthand.

This is more than a step into the future; it's a leap into a career that's crafted for you. Ready to see where your unique profile leads you in the world of work? Dive into the details, explore your potential, and start shaping your tomorrow today. Your personalized career journey begins with a single click.


[1] Accenture. (2018). The Future of Work: Embracing Change.

[2] American Psychological Association. (2019). Aligning personal values and organization values: Is it a fit? 

[3] Gartner. (2019). Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020.
[4] Haidt, J., & Graham, J. (2007). When morality opposes justice: Conservatives have moral intuitions that liberals may not recognize. Social Justice Research, 20(1), 98-116.

[5] Holland, J. L. (1997). Making vocational choices: A theory of vocational personalities and work environments. Psychological Assessment Resources.

[6] McCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. T. (1997). Personality trait structure as a human universal. American Psychologist, 52(5), 509-516.

[7] Puccio, G. J., Cabra, J. F., & Saffo, R. L. (2011). FourSight: The practical, everyday thinking skills model. FourSight Publishing.

[8] Roberts, B. W., & Wood, D. (2006). Personality development in the context of the neo-socioanalytic model of personality. In Handbook of personality development (pp. 11-39).
[9] World Economic Forum. (2018). The Future of Jobs Report 2018.

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