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The Happiness Factor: How Employee Satisfaction Influences Productivity and Retention

Job satisfaction is defined as a positive emotional response experienced when doing your job or when present at work [1]. It is a measure of workers' contentedness with their job, indicating whether they like the job or individual aspects of it [1]. Job satisfaction occurs when employees feel they have a stable job, room for growth in their career, and a good balance between work and personal life [1].

Motivations, Values, and Job Satisfaction

The Impact of Happiness on Productivity

Research has shown that happy employees are more productive [2]. Not only do they work faster, making more calls per hour, but they also achieve 13% higher sales than their unhappy colleagues [2]. Interestingly, the happy employees did not put in more hours than their unhappy colleagues to achieve their superior results. They just used their time more productively [2].

The Role of Colleague Relationships and Manager Understanding

Getting along with colleagues is a significant factor leading to job satisfaction, with 41% of people believing so [3]. Similarly, people who feel understood by their managers also report higher job satisfaction [3].

The Importance of Authenticity and Belonging

People who feel like they can “just be themselves” at work are happier [3]. Similarly, people who feel like they “belong” to the organization are more likely to stay and be satisfied [4]. Organizational identification feeds into job satisfaction, which in turn explains turnover intentions [4].

Company Culture and Values

Company culture and values are important factors to job satisfaction [5]. Some 7% of workers ages 24 to 36 say they dislike their employer’s culture so much that they intend to quit their jobs in the next two years [5]. More young workers are holding employers accountable for their values, insisting that their companies stand for something [5]. Some 32% of millennials say businesses should try to reduce inequality and support better education, but only 16% of the employees say companies are actually doing so [5]. And while 27% of millennials think businesses should protect the environment, only 12% believe they’re doing so [5].

Job Satisfaction and Quality of Care

In the healthcare sector, nurses' perceived person-organization fit is a significant predictor of general job satisfaction and quality of patient care [6].

Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction, as a high-order factor, consists of several first-order factors. Among them, personal growth's influence on job satisfaction is the highest, followed by salary and welfare, work itself, interpersonal relationships, and leader behavior [7]. Job competency’s influence on job satisfaction is the smallest [7].

Blue Collar vs. White Collar Workers

People around the world who categorize themselves as a manager, an executive, an official, or a professional worker evaluate the quality of their lives at a little over 6 out of 10, whereas people working in farming, fishing, or forestry evaluate their lives around 4.5 out of 10 on average [8].


  1. Dick, R., Christ, O., Stellmacher, J., Wagner, U., Ahlswede, O., Grubba, C., Hauptmeier, M., Höhfeld, C., Moltzen, K., & Tissington, P. (2004). Should I Stay or Should I Go? Explaining Turnover Intentions with Organizational Identification and Job Satisfaction. British Journal of Management, 15, 351 - 360. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2004.00424.x

  2. Risman, K. L., Erickson, R. J., Diefendorff, J. M., Carlozzi, A. F., & Triana, M. D. C. (2016). The Impact of Person-Organization Fit on Nurse Job Satisfaction and Patient Care Quality. Applied nursing research : ANR, 31, 121-5. DOI: 10.1016/j.apnr.2016.01.007

  3. SHRM. (2014). 2014 Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement. Retrieved from

  4. What Is Job Satisfaction? Definition, Factors, Importance, Statistics, and Examples. Retrieved from

  5. Happy employees are more productive, research shows. Retrieved from

  6. The Dangers of Hiring for Cultural Fit. Retrieved from

  7. The Influence of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention of Early-Career Employees. Retrieved from

  8. Does Work Make You Happy? Evidence from the World Happiness Report. Retrieved from

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